Layer 2 Weekly Roundup #4
Welcome to the 4th edition of the Layer 2 Weekly Roundup. Every week, this newsletter covers the latest and most important updates from within Ethereum’s Layer 2 ecosystem.
Catch up on the previous edition HERE.
Ecosystem Highlights
@coinbase have committed a small team to supporting EIP-4844 (Proto-Danksharding)
@rabbithole_gg launch Intro to L2 campaign - A new way for users to learn how to use Layer 2 scaling solutions
@LidoFinance integrate wstETH token bridging to both @arbitrum and @optimismFND
@MagnaTokens now LIVE on @arbitrum - Magna is a protocol that specializes in token distribution
@Immutable announces partnership with @SupremacyMeta - A 24/7 tech MOBA built in a Sci-Fi world
@layer3xyz launch learning campaign for @arbitrum - Earn an achievement to receive an exclusive Arbinaut NFT
L2 Protocol Highlights
@aztecnetwork introduce Noir - A universal language of zero knowledge
@argentHQ introduce dappland - A place for users to find and explore dapps across the StarkNet ecosystem
Media - Twitter Spaces & Podcasts
@aztecnetwork publish online workshop outlining Aztec Connect, Bridge Contracts, and Noir
@0xferg from @Immutable discusses the importance of cross-Rollup liquidity
The Empire Podcast host members of the StarkWare team to discuss L3s, and the future of zk-Rollups
@sreeramkannan discusses permissionless feature additions using @eigenlayer technology
@StarkWareLtd hosts a Twitter space to discuss EIP-4844 and Layer 2 scaling solutions
@Scroll_ZKP announce programme & speaker list for Rollup Day (Tickets available)
@thegaram33 from @Scroll_ZKP performs a LIVE demo of smart contract deployment on the Scroll testnet
Introducing ZK House Bogota - focusing on all things surrounding the ZK landscape (Apply Here)
@Immutable are hosting an inaugural FEM3 event to teach the wider community about all aspects of Web3
Interesting Articles
Interesting Tweets

Who to Follow
This newsletter is for educational purposes only, and should never in any way be considered as financial or investment advice.
Thanks for reading.